Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Lopez Genocidal Jew Supremacist/Separatist/Hippiecrits/LOL

Who do you think you're bullshitting?


How many Lopez Landowners/CoHoes/Parasites/Telescope Philanthropists have Jewish generational wealth in Islander's Bank trⓊst fⓊnds?
Goyim Unite against genocidal Jew Supremacists ✝️ ☪️
Phony Lopez fake anti-zionists/anti-war hippiecrits won't leave their Jew supremacist compounds to join "Stop the Genocide" protests because energetic diverse crowds make them kvetch and are not best for Jewish interests. Better to just do the odd "ceasefire now" post on a ZuckerJew Fakebook account to virtue signal and keep cred on the Lopez compound & kabutz.

Moloch worshipping Moms transfer twisted TalMUDic hate to their hysterical high plains grifting kids.

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